Grandpa always knew how to make us feel special and loved. We remember visiting Grandma & Grandpa right after our engagement and how Grandpa made us feel like royalty while celebrating this exciting time with us. His excitement added to our excitement during this time.
The last time we came to visit Grandma & Grandpa in Boston, Grandpa offered us some of his best scotch at dinner. He showed us around shul to all of his friends and fellow community members with pride in his grandchildren and new great-granddaughter. Donny was always honored with a kibbud in shul from Grandpa and he was volunteered to read the haftarah (nothing like the last minute) for the minyan.
This was a feeling that we always felt with grandpa. Whether it was discussing our careers and research to showing us the family tree and how we traced all of the way back to Rashi and David Hamelech.
Grandpa was always eager to help out and we were ecstatic to have a brilliant scientist at our disposal. In 6th grade, I asked Grandpa to help me with an idea for my first science fair project. He suggested I present the Archimedes Principle and my father had to work really hard to get through and explain all of the formulas and complicated explanation behind the principle that Grandpa sent us.
Grandpa had a real love for Torah. He would always ask us to read a dvar torah at the shabbat table from his weekly parsha newsletter. He loved to go to learn at the gemara shiur on Sunday morning and would attend the haftarah drasha after shul. When it got harder for him to walk, he would leave to shul early to make sure that he was on time.
Grandpa's humility was something that everyone recognized. All of his academic accomplishments and achievements in his career were unbelievable and have inspired us to work hard to achieve our goals. However, Grandpa never talked about his achievements or himself even. He was always focused on the person who he was with and making them feel special. Grandpa always told us that we could do anything that we put our minds to.
We love you and miss you Grandpa. We will carry the lessons that you have taught us forever.
Shira & Donny
Here are some pictures with Grandpa at our wedding- November 22, 2009:
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